

Achieving Your Dream: How to take the First Step

Take the First Step toward Your Dream

When we realize our dream, life asks us to do something about it. Then, it is essential to take the first step toward your dream journey. However, the hardest part of journey is this first step.

What is the first step for you? Let me clear one thing. The first step is not just thinking about your dream. Here, first step means one action step that lay down a foundation for your dream. Most of the failures in this world occur just before this first step.

Take an example. If you want to be a writer, just thinking about it will not make you one. Take first and Start writing. If you cannot, learn it first. Join a class. Attend an event or Read a book. Do not just sit idle. You can start small.

"One may walk over the highest mountain one step at a time" ~John Wanamaker

You can become anything if you start working on it. The only limitation you have in your mind. If you do not step forward, you will stay at the same place. As Liz Smit said, "Begin somewhere; you cannot built a reputation on what you intend to do."

Why it is important to Begin?

When our dreams are fresh, we are excited about them. Event just thinking about it can feel you with passion. At that time, we built many plans in our mind. As time go by, motivation factor diminishing. Why? Because, we keep think a lot do not go beyond thinking.

In the beginning, many fear factors stop us to make early decisions. Sometimes our doubt and sometimes there is fear of failure prevent us to begin. Remember:

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.

What are the aspects that stop us taking our first step? Let us recognize and start working on them today.

Why it is important to take the first Step toward Your Dreams:

1. You Will get out of your comfortable Zone: You are not able to begin because it may take you to the uncomfortable zone. Remember, the highest growth lie when you get out of your comfortable zone. Get out and Fly high.

2. You will learn along the Journey: You may fear starting something because you do not know much about the required skills. It is all right. Nobody is perfect here as perfection is a lifelong process. You may learn faster once the journey of your dreams start.

3. You take one step, God will take two: If you take one step toward your destination, God will take two steps to help you. However, you have tp be patience in the beginning and keep going.

4. You Vision will become clear: Do you have doubt in your potential? Once you will take action, all your doubts go away. You will be able to see your goal clearly. If your actions are not motivating you, it is not for yours. If you still doubt yourself, stop it. If you do not enjoy what you are doing, do something that passionate you.

5. You will lose your Fear of Failure: When you start something, not everything goes as expected. Failures happen in life. It is all right to fail but never repeat the same mistake. Failure you could never explore some dimensions. As Japanese proverb, "Fall seven times, stand up eight."

6. You will see Unlimited Opportunities: Sometimes we give up our dreams because we do not see much opportunity. In the beginning of anything, we cannot really estimate the scope. Today, the world is full of opportunities that were never exists earlier. You will see plenty of ways proceeding to your dream when you take the first step.

Achieving Your Dream: How to take the First Step

Do you have a dream deep in your heart that you want to pursue? If you do, have you taken the first step necessary to achieve it? Taking the first step is perhaps the most difficult thing to do in achieving a dream. There are a lot of mental obstacles that make it difficult to take that first steps.

Here are some don't to helps you solve the mental obstacles:

1. Don't wait until the situation is perfect.

You should not wait until the situation is perfect because the situation will never be perfect. No matter how or when you see it, there will always be something that make you think again.

2. Don't wait until other people agree with you.

Just like you shouldn't wait for the situation to be perfect, you shouldn't wait until everybody agrees with your idea. There will always be opposition, and that is perfectly normal. If you wait until there is a consensus, you will never starts.

3. Don't wait until your skill is good.

We might think that we need to have good skill before we start doing something. But the truth is, you will learn much more by doing than by waiting. Doing allows you to hone your skill much faster than just learning the theory.

As you can see, the three points above have "don't wait" in them. So here is the bottom line: the best time to start is now.

I learned this in blogging. When I started my blog, I didn't have the skill to create good content nor to market it properly. But I started blogging anyway. The first months were really tough. After blogging for months, I got only ten subscribers. Thankfully, the experience taught me a lot. While there is still a lot of room for improvement, I'm now amazed to see what I've learned along the way.

Here are some more things you should do to successfully take the first step:

1. Believe in your dream.

Believing in your dream is essential to get the motivation you need to achieve it. You simply can't fool your own heart. Deep down inside you know whether or not you can believe in your dream. Is the dreams worth pursuing? Is it something that you want to pour your heart into?

2. Visualize your dream.

Can you imagine - in detail - how the world will look like when your dream comes true? Visualizing your dream will energize you because you can then see how the world changes for the better and how people live a happier life because of your dream. The energy and excitement is there for you to feel.

3. Expect a hard way ahead.

While it's not impossible, achieving your dream is definitely not easy. Don't expect an easy way; expect a hard one instead. Having the right expectations from the beginning will make the journey much easier for you. That way, you won't be surprised and lose heart when you encounter obstacles along the way.

4. Take one bite at a time.

Your dream may be big (it should) and the might make it seem overwhelming. But, like the saying says, "when eating an elephant take one bite at a time." So take a small portion of it that you can handle. Think about something that you can do within one week, and then think about what you can do today. It could be as simple as calling a more experienced friend to ask some questions.

There is no doubt that you can eat the elephant. But the key is to take the bites early and often.

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