Human behavior include all activities and this indicates the concept of wood worth that psychology is the science of activities. In other words, all manifestation of life are included in the nature of behavior. In psychology, instruments and other means are used to measure and monitor behavior.
Its is very important to study the health behavior of man from the point of community health because human behavior is a result of complex interaction between body and mind. The inter-relation between physical and mental processes affects the total health of individual. It is essential to study following topics of human behavior related to community health.
Health behavior includes all those activities and actions adopted by man as a protection against disease. This also includes the behavior of man that involves using appropriate tests to ascertain the infections, which do not show any symptoms. The concept of health behavior including rules of personal health, good health habits and attentiveness towards diagnosis of disease, use of medical resources and institutions and taking preventive steps against disease.
Illness behavior includes all those activities, which are performed or followed by a person considering himself to be sick or unhealthy. Components of ill behavior.
1. Person feels sick or unhealthy. This feeling can be based on the symptoms of disease or the information, person has.
2. Person evaluate the level of illness or the dangers of it.
3. This include the actions taken after illness. Individual may contact a person with comparatively less knowledge of any system of treatment that suits his beliefs, before adopting authorized therapy. A balanced approach should be maintained towards such people.
Treatment behavior includes all those actions, which are taken to cure the illness and to regain or re-establish the health, Nursing care of patient has an important place in it. Studying the reaction of Individual towards disease, medicines, various tests and physical and mental harms are included in treatment behavior.
1. Previous experience of the person.
2. Beliefs, knowledge, values, attitudes and skills of individual.
3. Influence of friends, relatives and family members.
4. Finance and vocational conditional.
5. Resources and time factor.
6. Any specific system of treatment that is prevalent in society.
7. Behavior of doctors, health and nursing professionals.
8. Physical and mental conditions of individual.
Behavior is also driven, in part, by thoughts and feelings, which provides into individual psyche, revealing such things as attitudes and values. Human behavior is shaped by psychological traits, as personality types vary from person to person, producing different actions behavior. A study human behavior has revealed that 90 percent of the population can be classified into four basic personality types: optimistic, pessimistic, trusting and envious. three fundamental types of behavior can be distinguished: the purely practical, the theoretical-practical, and the purely theoretical. These three types of behavior have three different reasons: the first a determining reason, the second a motivating reason, and the third a supporting reason. Human behavior refers to the way humans act and interact. It based on and influenced by several factors, such as genetic make up, culture and individual values and attitudes.
Behavior is also driven, in part, by thoughts and feelings, which provides the insight into individual psyche, revealing such thing as attitudes and values. Human behavior is shaped by psychological traits, as personality types vary from person to person, producing different actions and behavior. In studying Psychology, there are 8 types of behavior that a Psych student must known, these are- Overt Behavior, Covert, Conscious, Unconscious, Rational Behavior, Irrational , Voluntary Behavior and its opposite: Involuntary Behavior. Overt Behavior: This behavior is such an obvious act or behavior. A study on human behavior has revealed that 90% of the population can be classified into four personality types: Optimistic, Pessimistic, Trusting and Envious. However, the latter of the four types, Envious, is the most common, with 30% compared to 20% for each of the other groups.
Behavioral observation is one of the oldest tools for psychological research on human behavior. Researchers either visit people in their natural surrounding (field study) or invite individuals or groups to the laboratory. Observations in the field have several benefits. Efficiency investment behavior. This behavior is a one shot action. Habitual or "curtailment" behavior. This type of behavior usually entails unconscious decisions, routines. Tobacco use, alcoholism, multiple sex partners, substance use, reckless driving, obesity, or unprotected sexual intercourse are some example. Human beings have, in principle, control over their conduct. Behavior modification can contribute to the success of self control and health enhancing behaviors. Our emotional and intellectual mechanisms work together and sustain each other. Social emotions such as anger, empathy, envy and shame shape strategic interactions, as they not only influence the behavior of those who experience them, but also of those who interact with them.
Prochaska has found that people who have successfully made positive change in their lives go thorough five specific stages: precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action and maintenance. Precontemplation is the stage at which there is no intention to change behavior in the foreseeable future. In nature, there are basically two kinds of change: evolutionary and disruptive. Evolutionary change is gentler, less destructive, but it takes a very long time. Disruptive change is fast, and sometimes necessary-but extremely destructive. Broadly speaking, behavior serve two functions: they either get a person something or get a person out of or away from something. Behavior change can refer to any transformation or modification of human behavior. It may also refer to: Behavior change, a board range of activities and approaches which focus on the individual, community, and environmental influences on behavior.
SCT delineates three categories of outcomes effect: physical, social, and self evaluative. Physical effects include anticipated positive and negative sensory experience, as well as assumed short- and long term health consequences resulting from a behavior. There is a wide range of personal, social, and environmental factors that influence behavior. Most can be assigned to three levels: Personal or individual: beliefs, knowledge, attitudes, skills, genetics. Social: interaction with other people including friends, family and the community.
In one of the largest studies to employ experience sampling methods to measure the effect of situation on human behavior in real time and outside of a lab setting, researchers have shown that personality predicted behavior across a lot of different situations over time, confirming that personality really does matter.
While it is clear others can influence our behavior, most notably our conformity to social norms and our obedience of authority figures such as the police, we are responsible for our actions. While we exist in a society we conform to we must appreciate we can influence those around us and be conscious of how. They found that the three key drivers of behavior change are motivation and capability, which are internal conditions, and opportunity, which is an external condition. These are all interlinked and can influence each other. Behavioral change wheel by Michie, van Stralen & West. Behavior change is complicated and complex because it requires a person to disrupt a current habit while simultaneously fostering a new, possibly unfamiliar, set of actions. This process takes time--usually longer than we prefer. On an evolutionary time scale, selective ecological pressures shape the sensory and motor capacities as well as the body and behavior. Correspondingly, in development, behavior acts in concert with the environment to cause structural change in the brain lasting a lifetime.
Human behavior is complex. Frequently, interventions promoting health behavior change tend to focus on teaching people the nuts and bolts of the behavior change itself without considering the broader context in which these change occur. Behavior plays an important role in people's health. Its one of the strongest psychological forces human behavior. When people who feel they are good do bad things, congnitive dissonance makes them ignore this behavior because they can't tolerate the inconsistency between behavior and their beliefs. Readers discover how temperament affects their work, emotions, spiritual life, and relationship and learn how to make improvements. Social influence refers to the way in which individuals change their behavior to meet the demands of a social environment. Typically social influence result from a specific action, command, or request, but people also alter their attitudes and behavior is response to what they perceive other might do or think.