

What is the Solar System

You know that the earth goes round the sun and the moon goes round the earth and you know that also perhaps that there are several other bodies which, like the earth, go round the sun. They are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. The sun and the planets with their satellites from a happy family, called the solar system. Solar means belonging to the sun. At night, you see millions of star in the sky, Only a few of them are planets. 

We can easily distinguish between a planet and a star. It looks so big because it is very near to us. Stars are like the sun. They shine of themselves because they are very hot and burning. In fact, the sun itself is a star. It looks bigger than stars because it is much nearer. We see it as a great ball of fire in the sky. Thus our earth belongs to the family of the sun. Compared to our tiny selves, it is truly very big. 

It takes weeks and month in a fast train or ship to go from on part of the earth to another. But although it seems so big, it is just like a speck of dust hanging in the air. The sun is millions of miles away and the other stars are even further away. That is why they look so small to us. People who make a study of the stars are called astronomers. 

They tell us that long ago, the earth and all the planets were part of the sun. The sun was then, as it is now, a mass of flaming matter. It was terribly hot. Somehow, little bits of the sun got loose and shot away from it. However, these little bits could not wholly get rid of their father the sun. In this way, our earth also shot out from the sun. To begin with, it must have been very hot. 

There must have been terribly hot gases and air around it. But as it was very much smaller than the sun, it started to cool. The sun, too, is getting less and less hot, but it will take millions of years to cool down. The earth took much less time to cool. Just as a bit of the sun shot out and became the earth, so also a bit of the earth shot out and became the moon. Many people think that the moon came out of the great hollow which is now the Pacific Ocean, between America and Japan.

It was as if a rope to them and they kept whirling round the sun.We think the earth is very big.The real way to distinguish a star from a planet is to see whether it twinkles or not. Stars twinkle, planets don't. Planets shine only because they get the light of the sun. It is merely the sunshine on the planets or the moon that we see. 

Compared to the stars, the planets are really very tiny, like our earth. but they look bigger than star because they are much nearer to us. When the earth cooled, all the water vapour in the air condensed into water and came down as rain. It must have rained  very heavily then.  All this water and came down as rain. It must have rained very heavily then. Compared to a star, the moon is really quite like a baby. 

It took a long time for the earth to cool. As time passed, the surface of the earth became cooler although the interior remained very hot. Even now, if you go down a coal mine, it became hotter and hotter as you go down. Probably if could go down deep enough inside the earth, you would fined it red hot. Like the earth, the moon also started to cool. 

As it was much smaller than even the earth, it cooled more quickly than the earth. The sun is the father of all the planets, so the whole group is called the solar system. Of course, nothing could live on the earth when it was hot. There could be no man or animal or plant or tree on it. Everything would have been burnt up then. All these including our earth, are called planets of the sun. 

The moon is called a satellite of the earth because it keeps going round the earth. The other planets have also got their satellites. As the earth and the oceans become cooler, it became possible for life to exist on the earth's surface and also in the sea. 

The major objects that form the solar system are comets, sun, satellites and the our nine planets and asteroids. we will discuss all the components in detail. Let us first discuss about the sun which is the major part of solar system. The sun is the brightest star of our solar system is sun. Planets is the heavenly body does not have light its own. Mercury is the planet nearest to the sun. Remaining planets as we go farther from the sun the atmospheric temperature goes on decreasing.

 Asteroids is an area also we can say it as belt between mars and Jupiter in which large number. The solar system is the gravitationally bound system of the sun and the objects that orbit it, either directly or indirectly. Of the objects that orbit the sun directly the largest are the eight planets with the remainder being smaller objects, the dwarf planets and small Solar system bodies.

At the center of our solar system is the sun. Around the sun orbit planets, as well as stars bits of dust, comets and meteoroids. We live in a spiral galaxy known as the milky way. At the center of our solar system is the sun. Around the sun orbit eight planets. Read on for more all about the solar system. Fun facts the solar system for kids the planets nearest the sun Mercury, Venus and Earth - lie in the inner solar solar system. The planets nearest the sun are called terrestrial planets because they are made of solid matter. The asteroid belt is an area between Jupiter and Mars where thousands of bits of matter and comets orbits. 

The solar system is located in the milky way, a barred spiral galaxy with a diameter of about 100,000 lights-years containing more than 100 billion stars. The sun resides in one of the milky way's outer spiral arms, known as the orion cygnus Arm or local spur. The sun lies between 25,000 and 28,000 light-years from the Galactic center and its speed within the milky way is about 200km/h so that is completes one revolution every 250 millions.This revolution is known as the solar system.

The solar system includes moon, supernova explosion, comets, meteors, asteroids and plain old space dust. To be sure there are more objects in our solar system, some of which have yet to be discovered. What's this about a tenth planet in our solar system. A name like 2003 UB313 does not does not sound very exciting, but this flung body of rocks and ice has rocked. The solar system is the sun and all the objects that orbits around it. The sun is orbited by planets, asteroids, comets and other things. 

The solar system is about 4.6 billion years old. It formed by gravity in a large molecular cloud. Most of this matter gathered in the center and the rest flattened into an orbiting disk that became the solar system. It is thought that almost all stars form by this process. The solar system several billion comets are found mainly in two reservoirs. The more distant one, called the oort cloud, is a spherical shell surrounding the solar system at a distance of approximately 50,000 astronomical units.

If the resolution is approved the 12 planets in our solar system listed in order of their proximity to the would be mercury, Venus, Earth, Ceres, Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Charon and the provisionally name is 2003 UB313 and A moon is defined to be a celestial body that makes an orbit around a planet, including the eight major planets, dwarf planets, and minor planets. In facts, these seven moons are the largest natural satellites in the solar system, measuring more than Three Thousand kilo-meters in diameter. The English names for planets mostly come from the Romans, who borrowed their designation from gods and goddesses: Mercury was named for the messenger god because it appears to move so swiftly across the sky, Jupiter shares a title with the king of the gods because it's the solar system's giant and so on. Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system. Mercury is terrestrial planet.

Consider this your daily reminder that the solar system is even more awesomely bonkers than you realized: On Uranus and Neptune, Scientists forecast rain storms of solid diamonds. The gems form in the hydrocarbon-rich ocean of slush that swath the gas giants solid cores. There is water on the moon along with a long list of other compounds including mercury gold and silver. That's according to a more detailed analysis of the chilled lunar soil near the moon's south Pole, released as Six paper by a large team of scientist in the journal science Thursday. A so-called super Earth boasting about twice the Earth diameter and eight times Earth mass the diamond planets, whose official designation is 55 cancer is the smallest member of a five planet system located in the constellation cancer. The Earth is the only known planet to have bodies of liquid water on its surface.

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