

What is Learning?

One of the most important characteristic of human being in their capacity to learn. Our personality- Our habits, Skills, knowledge, attitude, interests and character is largely the result of learning.

A little girl, being indisposed is taken to a hospital. The nurse prepares the syringe which the little girl looks on with interest.The nurse injects the medicine and the girl feels pain. When the girl is taken to the nurse next time, she starts by experience that injections are painful. Learning caused changed in her behavior.
         Learning is central to all our behavior as we learn to speak, write, think and perceive. Our attitudes and emotional expression are also learned behavior. There are three important factors in definition of learning.

1. Learning beings change in behavior.
2. Change takes place through practice or experience and not due to maturity.
3.  The change in behavior should be relatively permanent lasting for years, month or weeks.

"Learning can be defined as an expected and permanent change in behavior, brought about as a result of practice."  - Hillguard & Atkinson

"Learning is the serial or gradual change of the behavior change of the behavior. This is a special process, which takes place as a result of observation or training." - M.L. Mann

"Learning is acquiring new activities or enhancing or improving the old activities." -Underwood

"It defined that learning involves that acquisition of habits, knowledge and attitudes." -Crow and Crow

"Learning is a modification of behavior through experience." -Gates

"Learning is changed in behavior  as a result of experience" -Guilford

"Learning is process by which an organism in satisfying his motivational adapts or adjust to a situation in which it must modify its behavior in order to overcome obstacles and barries" -Kingsely and Garry

Some facts based on these definitions and related to the attitude of learning:-
1. Learning generates new activities or strengthens the old behavior.
2. Learning takes as a result of the repetition of motivating situations.
3. Learning is a continuous process.
4. Learning is basically related to motives and activities.

There are many types of learning major of these are given below:

1.Motor Learning :-Attention is paid to the nature and speed of learning. Learning to play piano, or to ride a bicycle are example of these.

2. Verbal Learning:- Learning takes place through words, numbers, picture, symbols etc.

3. Problem Solving:- In this type of learning person selects  the right process from the various processes of learning. Trial and error method of learning is involved in it. This is complex process of learning.

1. Laws of Exercise.
2. Laws of Readiness.
3. Laws of Effect.

1. Laws of Exercise:- This law states that if a task is repeated many times, it will be learnt.
            For example:- If a list of words is read again and again, it will be learnt. Thus repetition of a task makes the response more and stronger with practice.

2. Laws of Readiness:- If an individual is mentally ready to do some task it will be learnt.
            For example:- During examination day the answer of questions are learnt in very short time. As long as a person is mentally not ready to learn a particular task, it cannot be forced to learn. Even if the person will do unwillingly with pressure, its learning will be poor. So, mental readiness helps to learn at better speed and with superior quality.

3. Law of Effect :- As per law if some response is rewarded with some prize or benefit, it will be learnt.
           For example:- If a child is given chocolate for helping others, the child will do that helping behavior again and again. It will be learnt. On other side if some behavior is punished, it will be left unlearned. If a child is punished for stealing, the child will stop that bad habit. This second part of law has some objections. If punishment does help in unlearning bad habits. This second part of laws has some objections, If punishment does help in unlearning bad habits then all the criminals after punishment in jail must have left crime. It does not happened. Later on studies have proved that punishment is effective only for those behavior which are newly learnt. Behavior, which are turned into strong habits cannot be unlearnd with punishment.
             Some psychologists do not agree with these laws. They believe that to achieve his objectives, a person even completes the unpleasant tasks. It is not proper to overlook the ways of learning, mental process and importance of insight.

The act or experience of one that learns a computer program that makes learning fun. Knowledge or skills acquired by instruction or study people of good education and considerable learning. Modification of a behavioral tendency by experience. Learning involves far more than thinking it involves the whole personality- senses feelings, intuition, beliefs, values and will. Learning occurs when we are able to: Gain a mental a physical grasp of the subject. Make sense of a subject, event or feelings by interpreting it into our own words or actions. The three basic types of learning styles are visual, auditory and kinesthetic. To learn, we depend on our senses to process the information around us. Most people tend to use one of their senses more than the others. Concept learning may be simple or complex because learning tales place over may areas. Concepts learning: Inferring a Boolean-valued function from training example of its input and output. A concepts is an of something formed by combining all its features or attributes which construct the given concept.

Learning is essential to our existence. Just like food nourishes our bodies, information and continued learning nourishes our minds. Today, continuous learning forms a necessary part in acquiring critical thinking skills and discovering new ways of relating to people from different cultures. The purpose of learning is about learners being prepared for their future and reaching their potential as lifelong learners. This means that they have a voice with the confidence to express their ideas and opinions so they are heard and taken into accounts in any situations. These children are learning about geography. The definition of learning is the process or experience of gaining knowledge or skill. An example of learning is a student understanding and remembering what they've been taught. "Learning".

Each and every time we learn something new our brain forms new connections and neurons and makes existing neural pathways stronger or weaker. Some experts call these change "plasticity" in the brain. Learning skills is a term that describe the tasks involves in learning, including time management, note taking, reading effectively, study skills, and writing tests. Learning styles are a description of how you prefer to learn and interact with information. These different learning styles- Visual, auditory, reading/writing and kinesthetic - were identified after thousand of hours of classroom observation. The authors also created an accompanying questionnaire for educators to give to students to helps them identity and understand their own learning preferences.

Visual learners are the most common type of learners, making up 65% of our populations. Visual learners relate best to written information, notes, diagram and pictures. Types of learning include classical and operant conditioning (both forms of associative learning) as well as observational learning. Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behavior, skills, values, attributes and some machines: There is also evidence for some kind of learning in certain plants. Teachers are generally most concerned with conceptual learning because it helps learners to understand why. Concepts are distinguished from facts in that they are much broader, deeper type of knowledge. Learning a concept should help the learner generalize from the teaching context to other , different contexts.

Studies have found that learning throughout our lives can improve self-esteem and increase life-satisfaction, optimism and beliefs in our own abilities. It can even help those with mental health problems, such as depression and anxiety and some GP practices actually prescribe education as part of the treatment package. It helps to make the world a better place. As you gain education, you'll be gaining a deeper understanding of what's right, wrong, fair and unfair. As you develop your reasoning and critical thinking, you'll be able to apply these skills to situations in your life. Emotion has a substantial influence on the congnitive processes in human, including perception, attention, learning, memory, reasoning, and problem solving. Emotion also facilitates and help retrieval of information efficiency. The more people practice a new skill they are learning the most dense the myelin in their brains becomes, which helps them learn even better. Your learning speed increases. Learning a new sill helps you learning things faster overtime.


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