

The Individual Human Growth and Development

The Individual Human Growth and Development

Man is a social animals and society is formed by individuals. The relationship between man and group cannot be denied About there relationship between individual and group.

The Theory of Organismic:-
According to this theory, just like a body is made up cells, society is made up of individual. Just like the life cycle of an individual, the society also has birth, disorganisation and death.
According to some sociologists, there are several defects in this theory. Like a person, there is no definite birth to death of a society. The Life cycle of a society does not pass through definite stages, as an human life.
Both have system for control. In the individual, nervous system and in the society, administration and other agencies take care of control like a human body. The society also has a transportation and community system.

The Theory of Group mind:-
Theory states that every society has its own system of thought or mind which is made up of the culture, tradition and value of the society, the group minds. It has the ability to influence individual minds.
Many sociologists do not agree to this theory and express that concept of group mind is meaningless.

The Theory of Social Contract:-
The exponents of this theory state that society is formed by individuals to overcome mutual fear and distrust. The primitive man was wholly free and happy. In Order to keep up his freedom and happiness, he made contract with Neighbours  his society was thus formed.
The citics of this theory feel that society cannot be conceived of as something artificially made.

Human Growth and Development
There are many fables regarding the origin and development of man. Scientists feels that origin of man on earth occured some 4 million ago. Remains of man, to modern man found in the 50 france. It is estimated to be 1 lakh 50 thousand years old. Because of the place, these are called Magnon man. Type of remnants were discovered in jawa. Germany, peking and South Africa also.

1. Age of earth:- Scientists estimate the age of earth as 4500 million years. Some say it is 2000 million years old. In the origin of earth, the formation of continents, their movement and the development of seas and mountains is significant.

2. Old stone age:- The beginning of this age is estimate as the time of margnon man. This age existed till 10,000 years before the present age. Historic age started only 5000 years ago. The remains of this age discovered in Andaman Nicobar Island and also in Shivalik areas. At this time, man was completely dependent on nature, care was his home, fruits of forest and wild animals was his food and stone and bones were his weapons. Need of groups must have been felt for hunting protection from wild animals and rivals.

3. New Stone age:- Archarologists are the opinion that around 10,000 years ago. The Ice and Snow on earth starting melting and forest started growing. Agriculture also started during this period because of changes in way of life, social changes started occuring. Women starting tending home and animals. Carpentry, pottery, weaning and other similar occupations also started. Division of labour and stratification came into force.

The Origin and development of modern man from the primitive man in a chain story. In the remnants of river bed civilisations and also in the modern civilisation, the story of man's development can be noticed even today.

The Effect of Environment on Individuals
Environment is an extensive and broader concept. Everything around us in environment. Scientist environment means only nature and physical conditions in sociology. Because of social nature of man, everything around man including experiences, within the scope of environment.

According to Maciver and Page total environment includes physical and social aspects.

According to Gillion and Gillion environment can be explained as natural environment and socio-cultural environment.

According to Landis, environment can be divided in three parts:-

1. Social environment
2. Natural environment
3. Cultural environment

1. Social environment:- Its consists of social organisation, institutions and social relationship.

2. Natural environment:- All natural life condition, force and objects which influence life are included.

3. Cultural environment:- Customs, tradition usages, pattern and values are included.

The effect of environment on different age groups is given as follow:

The Childhood
An infant has to adapt himself according to the environment right from birth. As soon as he comes out of the womb, he has to breathe, suck milk from breast and do excretory activities. The child adapts himself easily. At this stage the child starts to laugh, cry, smile and recognise other. He tries to, communicate his feelings to others. He becomes an important part of his environment. He has to learnt new habits. He has to be trained to eat different types of food. Toilet training is another important part. All these adjustment, environment plays an important role. Person learns good or bad habits from the environment at the stage and is unable to forget them till the end of life. Child's environment is the basis of his socialisation. For example, children like Mohan, Sohan and Radha, who were picked up reared by wolf prove that wild environment can change human beings also to be like wild animals.

This stage of life is highly sensitive and delicate. Person is highly influenced by people outside the family - teacher, friends and peer groups. He may get relatiated under the influence of the environment or he may engage himself in some creative and constructive activities. This age is called as an age of tensions, emotions, problems or retaliation, The child may fix some ideal (role models or heroes ) at this age. Environment influences on adolescent, is lasting and his personality begins to take definite shape.

Adult age
An adult also cannot neglect his environment. At this stage marriage, family, career, sexual behaviour etc. influence his life. He has to adapt himself to the environment, otherwise maladjustment and failure can result in depression, disorganisation, tension etc. Future planning also depends upon environment.

Old Age
This is the last segment of life cycle. At this age, the environment directly or indirctly influence the individual. Divorce, behaviour of children, death of life partner, retirement, loneliness, physical disabilities etc. make adjustment difficult. Future becomes an important part of social environment of an person.

Fundamental Rights of Individual
Provision of fundamental rights is made so that individual may development their personalities and attain goals in life. In almost all constitution their personalities and attain goals in life. In almost all constitution of the world, there is provision for protection of fundamental rights. The activities of World Human Rights Commission has made Citizens of many nations. Conscious about human rights.

1. Right to equality:- Right to equality is an important basis of democracy. In order to provide rights to equality to all citizen of India.
a. Discrimination on the basis of religion, caste, sex etc. is abolished.
b. All can make use of shapes, places of recreation, places of worship, wells and rivers.
c. Special provision may be made in favour of women, children, socially and educationally backward classes of citizens.

2. Rights to Freedom:- All citizens of India have the rights:
a. To freedom of speech and expression.
b. To form association or unions.
c To move freely  throughout the country.
d. To acquire, hold and dispose of property.
e. To assemple peacefully.
f. To practice any profession or to carry put any occupation, trade and business.

3. Right of Liberty:- Liberty is the second important pillar of democracy. Liberty is Sub-Classified in the following manner.
a. Freedom of expression.
b. Freedom to assemble together peacefully.
c. Liberty to form groups and organisation.
d. Liberty to travel and stay anywhere in India.
e. Liberty to follow any occupation or profession and to earn livelihood; to start any trade or industry.
f. Protection of life and body.

4. Right to liberty is not unlimited:- In the interest of society and safety of nation, some restriction are applied.

5. Right to freedom of religion:- Under this rights, religious freedom of every individual is recognised. Individual is to free to accept, follow and propagate any religion.

6. Cultural and educational rights:- Every citizen and the interests of minorities are protected. These miniorities can own and manage educations institutional also
"All minorities whether based on religion or language, shall have the right to establish and administer institutions of their choice."

7. Right to property:- According to this right, every individual is free to keep property. State cannot confiscate the property. Under certain conditions. this right is limited. This right has been changed as only legal rights.

Fundamental Duties / Responsibilities of Individuals
In the original draft of the constitution there was no clear description of the fundamental duties:
1. Follow the constitution, respect its ideals, institutions, national flag and national anthem.
2. Remember the high ideal which motivated the freedom struggle and follow it.
3. Protect the unity and integrity of India.
4. Protect the nation and serve it, when called upon.
5. Establish equality and fraternity among all citizens. Rise above all discrimination on the basis of religion, language, area or colour, leave all customs, which are against honouring women.
6. Understand the our culture and protect it.
7. Protect the natural environment comprising of forest, lake, river and wild animals,
8. Along with scientific attitude, humanism and attainment of knowledge, add the sentiment of reformation.
9. Protect public property and avoid Voilence.
10. Try to go towards progress, in all personal and social activities, so that the nation will go forward and may attain great heights.

These Fundamental duties are included in the constitution just to give knowledge to citizens regarding their civic responsibilities. 

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