

The Socio-Cultural and Economic Aspect the community and their Effects on Health And Illness

The Socio-Cultural and Economic Aspect of the Community and their effect on Health and illness
1. Education
2. Occupation
3. Economic Status
4. Cultural believe
5. Demographic structure
6. Social environment
7. Political structure

1. Education:- 
The 1948,the declaration of Human Rights stated that everyone has right of education. Even today this right is being denied to millions of children. A second major factor influencing health status is education, especially female education plays an important role in health behaviour of people in social places.

2. Occupation:- 
The state of being employed in productive work promotes health, because the unemployed usually shows a higher incidence of ill, health, life and death. For many loss of work may means loss of income and status. It can cause psychological and social damage.

3. Economic status:-
The nation, which has the sound economic status can spend more on health. So, the citizen of development countries have high and good health status. Economic status depends upon:
a. Health planning
b. Health service resources
c. Health Organisation

4. Culture Beliefs:-
Cultural beliefs and value about food, living  housing habits and personal hygiene effect the life style of an individual and community. Enhances the promotion life-style has greater impact on health. The Health and positive life style.

5. Demographic Structure:-
Demography is directly related to health condition of the people- male-female ratio, population- youth, children and old people.

6. Social environment:-
It covers the wide area of social health. Social Health is related  to positive area development  (i.e. housing and economic matter) and positive human environment (i.e. social network). Social environment has a greater influences on the health status of community.

7. Political Structure:- 
Rules and regulations about health and their implementations depends upon the political structure of a particular country. Positive political system improves the health condition of the citizen, strong political will democratic pattern.

1.  Sociology studies society in a scientific way. Scientific knowledge about human society is needed for progress in various field of the human endeavour.

2. Sociology improve our understanding of society, social groups, social institution and their functions; and changing trends help us lead on effective and meaningful social life.

3. Sociology helps us to become broad minded by overcoming our prejudices misconceptions, egoism, class and communal hatred. 

4. Sociology helps to us to understand social problem by studying their causes and the solutions.

5. Social planning has been made easier by sociological study. It is often the vehicle of social reforms and social re-organisation.

6. A background knowledge of sociology is very useful for law makers to know the formal and informal laws of the country.

7. Sociology will improve international understanding and peace by evaluating the social cost of war and causes of social tension between nations.

8. Sociology is useful as a teaching subject. By disseminating knowledge about society, socialised thinking will be evolved. A knowledge of social forces is necessary for senior administration. Sociology can be taken up also as a full time profession.

9 Sociology has changed our outlook on crime and punishment. The criminals are no longer treated as degenerated beasts. They are now regarded as human beings suffering from mental deficiencies and effort are accordingly made for rehabilitation as useful members of society.

10. Tribal welfare. Studies conducted by sociologist regarding tribal society and problem have helped many government in undertaking various social welfare measure for tribals.

  Uses of Sociology in Hospital

Medical Sociology
Medical sociology deals with medicine in modern society, Public health problems like epidemics, coronary heart disease, hypertension, diabetes and intestinal disorders are caused largely by social factors of stress and the strain due to fast modern life. Medical sociology is extremely useful for the entire health service. Sociologists examine disease in their social settings, in the life of the community as well as the bedside and in the laboratory for they all have their social causes as well as individual causes. Prevention depends largely on dealing with the social causes.
Doctors- patients and nurse- patients relationship, medical education and training, hospital administration, etc are also studied in medical sociology.

Sociology is important to nursing in following ways.

1. It will helps the nurse to know the social life of the patients. The social environment plays an important part in the causation of health and disease. These factors include the cultural values, customs, beliefs, attitude, morals, religion, education, standard of living, community life, availability of health service, social and political organisation. A harmonious social environment enables health  whereas maladjustment may not only cause illness but also deprive him taking adequate action against it.

2. sociology will enable her to know the distinctive culture of each patient.  In a vast sub-continent like India with a variety  of a religious, castes, tribes and communities, it is essential to know the cultural of each patient. This knowledge is necessary before attempting treatment to make medical and nursing service more effective. For this, an understanding of the subject of sociology is essential.

3. A knowledge of sociology will help the nurse to adjust herself with this will influence the probable outcomes of the actions planned. The nurse must understand how personal goals, values , attitudes and emotional states of doctors and nurse build into life patterns of adjustment and how they influence the doctor- nurse relationship in the hospital context.

4. Nurses working in a community will realise that community is a population made up of several groups of people living in a certain area. Man is a sociology is the study of society and social relations of how people  react to one another? In sociology, we study man's pictures of today's and tomorrow's society to find a way to a better life for all.

Medical sociology will enable the nurse to:
1. Recognise the signficance of social forces in health.
2. Understand and appreciate the need to deal with such social process as health values and motivation.
3. Organize and administrate public health programme as per motivational needs.

Nursing practice is improved bu an ability to think creatively and use reliable problems solving methods. The nurse can practise good habits of thinking and systematic problems solving in the profession and all areas  of her life like planning her career, problems in family life, difficulties in professional personal relationships. 

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