

Who discovered Electricity - Ben Franklin

 Ben Franklin Discovered Electricity. This is fable. Electricity was known to science long before Franklin began his famous experiments. Franklin was, However, a pioneer in the study of electricity and made many important contributions to the science. The term "electricity" is derived from a term used by William Gilbert in 1600 to describe static electricity. The discovery that lightning is electrical was made by Benjamin Franklin in 1759. Italian physicist Alessandro Volta discovered that particular chemical reactions could produce electricity, and in 1800 he constructed the voltaic pile (an early electric battery) that produced a steady electric current, and so he was the first person to create a steady flow of electrical charge. In 1884 Tesla arrived in the United states with little other than the clothes on him and a letter of introduction to the famed inventor and business tycoon Thomas Edison. Edison's DC-electrical works were fast becoming the country standard. 

In 1882 Edison helped form the Edison Electric Illuminating company of New York, Which brought electric lights to parts of Manhattan. But progress was slow. Most Americans still lit their homes with gas light and candles for another fifty years. Only in 1925 did half of all homes in the U.S have electric power. The article features seven facts about Michael Faraday you probably didn't know. The Father of Electricity, Michael Faraday was born on September 22, in 1791. The Fundamental principles of electricity generation were discovered in the 1820s and early 1830s by Britist scientist Michael Faraday. His method, still used today, is for electricity to be generated by the movement of a loop of wire, or Faraday disc, between the poles of a magnet. 

1879 After many experiments, Thomas Edison invented an incandescent light bulb that could be used for about 40 hours without burning out. By 1880 his bulbs could be used for 1200 hours. 1879 Electric lights (Brush arc lamps) were first used for public street lighting, in Cleveland, Ohio. and The city council of Wabash, Indiana agreed to testing the lights and on March 31, 1880, Wabash became the "First Electrically Lighted City in the World" as a flood of light engulfed the town from four Brush lights mounted atop the courthouse. 

The Greeks first discovered electricity about 3000 years ago. Its name came from the word "electron" which means amber. Amber is yellow, fossilized rock you find in tree dap. The Greeks found that if they rubbed amber against wool. Lightweight objects (such as straw or feathers) would stick to it. Although there are many types of energy, the most efficient forms are renewable: hydro-thermal, tidal, wind and solar. Solar energy has been proven to be the most efficient and among renewable energy sources for home and commercial use. Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge. It is a secondary energy source which means that we get it from the conversion of the other sources of energy, like coal, natural gas, oil, nuclear power and other natural sources, which are called primary sources. Electricity is a type of energy that can build up in one place or flow from one place to another. When electricity gathers in one place it is known as static electricity (the word means something that does not move); electricity that moves from one place to another is called current electricity.

Electric current (electricity) is a flow or movement of electrical charge. The electricity that is conduct through copper wires in your home consists of moving electrons. The protons and neutrons of the copper atoms do not not move. The wire is "full" of atoms and free electrons and the electrons and the electrons move among the atoms. 

In the history of electricity, no single defining moment exists. The way we produce, distribute, install, and use electricity and the device it power is the culmination of nearly 300 years of research and development. Efforts to understand, capture and tame electricity began in the 18th century. Electricity is a form of energy. Electricity is the flow of electrons. All matter is made up of atoms, and an atom has a center, called a nucleus. The nucleus contains positively charged particles called protons and uncharged particles called neutrons. People use electricity for lighting, heating, cooling and refrigeration and for operating appliances, computers, electronics, machinery and  public transportation system. 

There are various methods of electricity generation dependent on types of energy. Among resources energies, Coal and natural gas are used to generate electricity by combustion, Uranium by nuclear fission (nuclear power), to utilize their heat for boiling water and rotating stream turbine. Electricity is a form of energy and we need it for just about everything, Almost all of our modern conveniences are electrically powered. Electricity is what lights up our classrooms, heats our homes and lets up listen to our favourite music. You using electricity right now by using computer to read this. Electricity is the presence and flow of electric charge. Using electricity we can transfer energy in ways that allows us to do simple chores. Its best-known form is the flow of electrons through conductors such as copper wires. When electrical charges are not moving, electricity is called static electricity.

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